“Hey you! Good evening (or morning, depending where you are in the world) I thought about you this afternoon in my meditation. You’ve actually crossed my mind a lot this past year. I never verbally expressed my gratitude for our relationship, but I wanted to now. You changed my life in such a short amount of time. The words you spoke with me, I think at the time didn’t fully resonate, until really recently. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you coming into my life at that moment and to say thank you for helping me. There’s things we spoke on that I practice almost daily. To say you made an impact would not be giving you enough credit.I’m forever grateful for you. Sending lots of love and a big hug!”

– Jordan J.


“Maria is amazing and very accurate. I did a personal retreat with her and she helped me get unstuck on root issues that were affecting the most important aspects of my life: my health, work, and relationships.

– Nora H.


“Maria has a gift for knowing when critical times are happening and being there to ensure a positive outcome. She called the night before we had our accelerator interview because she felt that I needed grounding. She also called an hour before one of our now advisors first meeting when I was feeling very nervous and out of my head. She coaches me before big business moves or decisions so I can be the best leader I can be. The magical part is that she knows just when those moments are. It’s crazy! I’m so grateful for her.”

– Martha B.